Moving Onto 2022

With the onslaught of advice for making New Year’s Resolutions that seems to happen at the end of every year, I came upon a quote that actually gave me pause. I liked it, mostly for its positivity and hope.
The quote, by Brendon Burchard, Motivational Speaker and Life Coach, reads:
“Do not move on to 2022 without letting go of something significant from 2021 – an old idea, label, habit, fear, concern of ego. Let go in order to free up the space for something new and extraordinary to enter. “
Finding room for “something new and extraordinary” in your life, how fantastic and healing would that be?
We usually focus on all the new things we want to accomplish in the new year, without having a close look at those we may not have benefitted from in the past.
Letting go, especially of something as all consuming as grief, unhappiness or anger, can seem insurmountable on most days but impossible on others. It’s never easy, but perhaps, attaching it to a new idea, thought, action or resolution, to take its place, might just be the answer. Using this process, each time you find yourself retreating to that old feeling, habit or thought, you can turn to a toolbox of new ideas to replace it.
Resolutions are hard to keep, even when we have bundles of enthusiasm at the start of a new year. So make it easy on yourself this year. Try focusing on one or two negative things from last year and one or two positive insights or habits you want to adopt in 2022. Who knows, this just might be the year you can make your resolutions stick!