It is Okay to Celebrate this Holiday Season

As promised, here are some ideas to help make the holidays more joyful for those suffering from the loss of a loved one. Whether or not the loss is recent or in the distance past, this time of year can be very difficult. We hope you can find peace and joy by sharing time with those you love.
Although your loved one is no longer here, that does not mean that they can’t be a part of your holidays. What a better time to honor their memory and bring their life to the forefront. Light a candle in their honor, share stories while you gather, set a place at the table. Keep them close in your heart. Perhaps you can create a special ornament or keepsake to give to others.
Did they have a favorite activity, passion or charity that could be the focus of an activity you could do alone or with friends and family? Start a new tradition by volunteering, trying something new, like art or attending a concert or spend your holidays in a different setting, perhaps a place that was dear to them.
Try to create moments of cheer by finding small joys like enjoying a cup of hot chocolate by the tree while music plays or watching a favorite holiday movie. If the spirit calls, decorate the house. Celebrate these small victories.
While it’s normal to grieve, taking time to note the things for which you are grateful can bring moments of peace. Understand that grief doesn’t have a timeline, and you don’t have to feel a constant “holiday cheer.” Remind yourself that it’s okay to experience moments of happiness without guilt. You can join in the celebrations of the season and still be true to the memory of your loved one.
The holidays will soon be over and a new year ahead. It will be time for new beginnings and learning to live with your grief as you try to make the year a meaningful one.