Is it Time to Shake Up Your Thanksgiving Traditions?

Most of us spend a great deal of time deciding on what to eat on Thanksgiving Day. Should it be turkey or ham, does anyone really want those mashed rutabagas? Who will be bringing the pies?
So much of our traditions focus on food that we often forget the most important aspect of the holidays, that our family and/or friends are together for a designated amount of time and that gratitude is the word of the day.
This year, no matter what is on the menu, make the most of the time together by getting a little creative.
First, consider your invitation list. Is there someone you’re forgetting? Someone who might not have a place to spend Thanksgiving Day? Someone who might add a new dimension to the group? Is there room at the table for one more? Consider putting a place card in front of everyone’s chair and mention something about them for which you are grateful. Talk about making someone’s day!
What if you let the kids sit at the big table? Growing up, we always had a kids’ table at family gatherings, usually a card table with folding chairs. But maybe, things would be a bit more interesting by letting the kids join in with the adults. This will provide for some interesting discussion topics and give the young people an opportunity to feel a bit grown up and learn good table manners.
Before the pie, while everyone is resting off a big meal, have something planned that will bring home the point of gratitude. Have everyone write down something that they are thankful for, toss it in a hat, then pick them out and see if you can match them. Or simply go around the room and encourage people to share their thanks.
Of course, there are football games and other distractions, but there is always half-time to fit in some family time. Make the most of the day you have together, it may not happen for another year!