Grief Support For Widows

Losing a husband or life partner – it’s impossible to fathom or understand until it happens to you. Friends and family can be a loving source of support, but until they have experienced such a loss, they can sympathize but not empathize.
As with so many challenges today, we can turn to the Internet for advice and guidance. There are unlimited sources available. (Knowing how to find the most helpful and reliable of these sites is a topic for a future blog.) Mary Frances, an author and life coach, and a widow herself, has created a website/blog that can be especially helpful for woman who have lost their life partner.
Entitled Sisterhood of Widows, the website is a mainstay for a community of widows which is supported by Mary’s blog, public and private Facebook pages and other grief resources. Mary has also written a number of books related to widowhood, loss and grief. The website features a new blog every three or four days and there are no fees related to the website, although you may purchase Mary’s book and e-book products.
The Sisterhood of Widows also has both a public and private Facebook page. This may be a good way to see if this resource is of value. Please see the links below: