A Gift That Keeps On Giving
Last Christmas my niece gave my mother, who is now in her nineties, a fantastic present that benefitted...

Tools to Make Writing Letters Fun Again
In our last blog I talked about bringing back the forgotten art of letter writing. As a child,...

The Forgotten Art of Letter Writing
Take me to an office supply store and it’s hard to get me to leave. I love walking...

What Three Things?
When my children were growing up, we had a tradition that each night at bedtime, I would ask...

Happiness Runs Its Course!
Did you know that the most popular courses in the history of both Harvard University and Yale University...

Is It Time For A New Family Member?
In this blog series on pet loss, we have dealt with the reality of what our pets mean...

When to Let Go of An Ailing Pet
Years ago, I told a friend that I was considering euthanizing my cat. Saphy, my beautiful white cat...

When A Senior Loses A Pet
Research tells us that for many seniors having a pet companion can provide a source of love and...

Helping A Child Understand When A Pet Dies
We can’t underestimate the impact that losing a pet has on a family, especially on a child who...

Losing a Pet – The Grief is Real
At some time point in time most of us have welcomed a pet into our lives. Whether it...